A Few Things

Hello Friends! It is a cold, rainy and dreary day. I have been doing some cleaning and organizing in the crafty room. Last post I said that I wanted to do some more sewing this year. Well this is a big part of the problem:


I have managed to clear off most of the items and pretty soon I will have a clear table!! That will definitely help with being able to sew 😉

Yesterday Little Man and I had a fun day. We went for a walk after lunch and then played some games. I got Ticket to Ride for Christmas and he got Forbidden Island. So we decided to try them out. They are both really fun games that require some thinking and planning. Forbidden Island is a teamwork game and we played twice yesterday and were not able to win the game so we are determined to try to beat it sometime this weekend. Little Man is feeling a bit under the weather today so he has just been resting but maybe later this evening or tomorrow.

After dinner we made duct tape wallets. It was a bit tricky and sticky 😉 and took longer than I thought it would but we still had fun and are both very happy with how they turned out. I used a couple different tutorials online because of how Little Man wanted his wallet to look and one had some easier steps than the other one.

Here we are making our duct tape sheets.

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Then we cut it down to size and since we made our duct tape sheets big enough we had enough to make the pockets, which Little Man was happy about. He was struggling a bit with the sticky and making his sheet.

Here we are setting up the pockets and I.D. section to be taped.


Here they are all done!

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We are super happy with how they turned out, especially for our first time. There are little things that could be better, wrinkles and some crooked tape but overall I think they turned out great. I am super proud of how Little Man’s turned out and he did most of it himself and barely wanted my help. It is a bit sticky but I see us making these again.

On Instagram the other day I came across a reading challenge that is on Bringing Up Burns. It’s called 26 Books to read in 2015. There are 26 prompts that you follow. You don’t have to do them in order and I am not sure if I will or not. But to start I am doing the first one.  It is A book you own and haven’t read. I am not lacking in choice.


Some are newer and some have been around for a while. I wanted to make sure I picked one that has been sitting around for a while.


I picked this one up at a library used book sale. I have never read P.D. James before but I have heard good things and I really enjoy mysteries.

So after making donuts this morning for breakfast as requested by Little Man. I go the recipe from here.


I sat down at the table and enjoyed a couple of chapters and a couple donuts. They are really yummy. I didn’t have buttermilk on hand, so I just used regular milk and they came out fine.


Well dinner is almost done so I hope you all have a cozy weekend.

Another Week Flown by!!

Hello Friends! How are you all? I am doing good. Keeping busy around the house, with work and trying to get ready for Christmas. I can’t believe it will be here next week! December has flown by! I am almost done with my shopping, what about you? Decorating the house is like half done, I know…I am slacking! But I did remember my favorite thing for the season.


My Advent candles. I took this picture this past Saturday so it still only has two candles lit. I am always scrambling days before or on the day of to find the right candles but I always make sure it is set up and ready. I love sitting at the table with my candles lit and just the whole set up. It’s a comforting feeling. Is there anything about this time that you really look forward to?

Last Saturday we also went to our library because they had an activity for kids to decorate gingerbread houses. Little Man had fun working on his and coming up with ideas. I helped a bit with the fence but other than that he pretty much did it on his own.


I also had my work Christmas party Saturday Evening. It didn’t go quite as planned. Both of our bosses called a friend I work with and said they were sick and couldn’t make it, just a couple of hours before it started. They had all the food and supplies for the party so my friend scrambled to get some snacks and salad stuff. My one boss ordered some pizza to be delivered to the hall where we had the party but he only ordered seven pizzas for almost 50 people, so she had to order more. Apart from that it was nice to hang out with some of the ladies outside of work. Have any of you had any Christmas parties already?

Yesterday my mom gave me a bunch of oranges so I decided to make a clove orange today while I was working on dinner.


I forgot to get a picture of it done. I didn’t do a special pattern I just covered it all over with cloves. I will get a picture of it hanging up and all done. My mom used to have one hanging in our hallway for a long time and it smelled so good and lasted a really long time. I hope mine does too.

Tomorrow I am planning on finishing my tree. It has lights and a few ornaments that I have bought and that my grandma sent me. So hopefully I am successful!

I will be back soon, really I will! 🙂