Spoiled by a Friend

Hello Friends! How are you? Things are going well over here! Christmas Vacation has started for Little Man and I. Today we went and took care of the grocery shopping for our Christmas meal and Christmas cookies that I am going to be making tomorrow. I didn’t make cookies last year so it has been two years since I made cookies and I am feeling a bit nervous about it! Kinda silly, but hopefully they all turn out well. I will be making four different cookies. Three are ones that my grandma makes for Christmas and one is from a magazine that I cut out a few years ago and really like. But I will show them off tomorrow.

We had a really nice weekend. Little Man is in cub scouts and they were doing a special nights with discounted tickets for the hockey team in our area. So on Friday we went to the hockey game.


It was a lot of fun, I am not really a sports fan of any kind, but even I got into it. Our team is in red and the white shirts was a team from New York. Little Man really enjoyed it too, it was his first time. The scouts all got a patch, water bottle, hockey puck and a nice backpack at the game. The first 5000 people got a free Christmas-y T-shirt, and we were three of those lucky 5000. Little Man even got a practice puck after the game from one of the attendants.

I finally finished my tree over the weekend.


Better late than never!

Little Man went off to spend the night at his aunts on Saturday so I wrapped his presents while he was gone.  Then we had a nice dinner with my father-in-law and his fiancee and watched a movie at their house. By Sunday my cold had hit me full force so Hubby and I did nothing. It was so nice. We watched the last Inspector George Gently available on Netflix and then some Wallander.

Another big highlight of the weekend happened on Saturday.  I got a package from my friend Jule. Oh what a package it was!!


I already started opening it when i remembered I must take pictures. And I apologize, some of the pics are a bit blurry and I didn’t realize until I loaded them unto the computer today.


😀 she made me an advent calendar!! How totally sweet and awesome is that!!


Inside the binder were some stars.


I have already stuck them in my Christmas tree.


There were all kinds of goodies. You will notice a lot of Diddl stuff. That was part of what started this whole swap between her and I. She had some stuff she was getting rid of and I am a huge fan and was happy to take it off her hands to add to my collection.

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There were some other goodies in my package too!

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In the Anna magazine there is a pattern for some fox gloves and Jules bought me some yarn to make them.


Aren’t they cute! I am really looking forward to casting them on.

There were some other magazines.


I have already looked at the Nooz one. It’s a super cute little magazine!! Once the Christmas cookies are all eaten up I am going to make the button cookies that are on the cover of it. There were some other things in there I want to make as well. Like I said, super cute magazine! I am looking forward to sitting down and enjoying the others.

One more thing before we get to the Advent calendar.

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It’s a diary. It’s one of those that has more that one year in it. So this one is a three year one and you write just a little highlight of your day. And it even has the weather and little faces. So cool! I have seen them around here but the are smaller and don’t have those little extras. I am really looking to starting this in the new year.

Next up is the biggie! The Advent Calendar!!


So I went back and forth a lot on how I was going to open up my little presents. For one second i did consider opening them all up to the 20th but then I knew I didn’t want to do that. So then I thought about just starting from day one and going day by day from there but I was not patient enough for that. So I figured out how many presents I could open a day until Christmas. It came out to four a day and then on Christmas day I will open five.

Here are the four I opened on Saturday.


And here are Sunday and today.


Wow!! What great stuff!! Little Man already has plans for us to play the memory game. I can’t wait to open my other little presents!

Thank you so much Jules! Your package made my day! I never expected so much. I appreciate all the time and thought you put into putting this package together for me!